

Namibia has the highest dunes in the world


Vinkie spent one week in the Southern parts of Namibia. The farm was the rented property of a friend's friend. We went there with a VW Polo and you will be amazed at what can be loaded into a VW Polo.

Shooting (hunting) animals is not Vinkie's favorite pass-time, but Vinkie decided to do it once to find out why people do it. He could not really find a good reason, but it a learning experience.

We ran out of water. Trouble on the way to the farm. The Hilux of Thys was completely void of any water, but did not cease after overheating.

Vinkie and Thys discussing tactics for the next day's hunt.

Strategy for the hunt being discussed in serious detail
Sundown on a dune Next morning. Ready to go for Gemsbok (Oryx family).

Found it!




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